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Callback<> and Bind()



模板类 base::Callback<> 是一个一般化的函数对象。
和 base/bind.h 中的函数 base::Bind() 一起提供一种线程安全的方式来执行应用程序的功能。

Partial application (or “currying”) is the process of binding a subset of a
function’s arguments to produce another function that takes fewer arguments.
This can be used to pass around a unit of delayed execution, much like lexical
closures are used in other languages. For example, it is used in Chromium code
to schedule tasks on different MessageLoops.

A callback with no unbound input parameters (base::Callback<void()>) is
called a base::Closure. Note that this is NOT the same as what other
languages refer to as a closure – it does not retain a reference to its
enclosing environment.

Quick reference for basic stuff

base::Bind() 可以用来绑定普通函数 Lambda 和成员函数(需要传递参数), 可以返回

  1. A callback with no parameters or no unbound parameters is called a base::Closure
  2. base::OnceCallback<> 只运行一次
  3. base::RepeatingCallback<> 多次调用run
    base::DoNothing() can be passed for any OnceCallback or RepeatingCallback that returns void.
    Unbound parameters are specified at the time a callback is Run() 运行时候绑定
    Bound parameters are specified when you create the callback as arguments to base::Bind() 调用时候不需要了。
    You can specify some parameters when you create the callback, and specify the rest when you execute the callback.分开指定
    A parameter of base::BindRepeating() or base::BindOnce() is moved into its internal storage if it is passed as a rvalue.

Quick reference for advanced binding

通过使用 base::Owned, base::Unretained, base::Owned, std::unique_ptr<>,std::move,包装函数对象参数,控制生命周期。
scoped_refptr,std::ref or std::cref,base::RetainedRef 等都可以作用于参数。

Implementation notes

Where Is This Design From:

The design of base::Callback and base::Bind is heavily influenced by C++’s
tr1::function / tr1::bind, and by the “Google Callback” system used inside

Customizing the behavior


How The Implementation Works:

There are three main components to the system:
1) The base::Callback<> classes.
2) The base::Bind() functions.
3) The arguments wrappers (e.g., base::Unretained() and base::ConstRef()).

类 Callback 代表一个通用函数指针. 内部存储一个代表目标函数和参数状态的引用计数类。
The base::Callback constructor takes a
base::BindStateBase*, which is upcasted from a base::BindState<>. In the
context of the constructor, the static type of this base::BindState<> pointer
uniquely identifies the function it is representing, all its bound parameters,
and a Run() method that is capable of invoking the target.

base::Bind() creates the base::BindState<> that has the full static type,
and erases the target function type as well as the types of the bound
parameters. It does this by storing a pointer to the specific Run() function,
and upcasting the state of base::BindState<>* to a base::BindStateBase*.
This is safe as long as this BindStateBase pointer is only used with the
stored Run() pointer.

To base::BindState<> objects are created inside the base::Bind() functions.
These functions, along with a set of internal templates, are responsible for

  • Unwrapping the function signature into return type, and parameters
  • Determining the number of parameters that are bound
  • Creating the BindState storing the bound parameters
  • Performing compile-time asserts to avoid error-prone behavior
  • Returning an Callback<> with an arity matching the number of unbound
    parameters and that knows the correct refcounting semantics for the
    target object if we are binding a method.

The base::Bind functions do the above using
type-inference and
variadic templates.

By default base::Bind() will store copies of all bound parameters, and
attempt to refcount a target object if the function being bound is a class
method. These copies are created even if the function takes parameters as const
references. (Binding to non-const references is forbidden, see bind.h.)

To change this behavior, we introduce a set of argument wrappers (e.g.,
base::Unretained(), and base::ConstRef()). These are simple container
templates that are passed by value, and wrap a pointer to argument. See the
file-level comment in base/bind_helpers.h for more info.

These types are passed to the Unwrap() functions to modify the behavior of
base::Bind(). The Unwrap() functions change behavior by doing partial
specialization based on whether or not a parameter is a wrapper type.

base::ConstRef() is similar to tr1::cref. base::Unretained() is specific
to Chromium.

Missing Functionality
