C++ Core Guidelines
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In: Introduction
In.target: Target readership
文档适用于 C++ / C 程序员
In.aims: Aims
目标是写出和底层语言效率相当的代码。A rationale for semantically enhanced library languages
The result is a subset of a superset of a language called a Semantically Enhanced Library Language.
Build your ideal small foundation library and use that。
In.not: Non-aims
Do the most good for most programmers。
In.force: Enforcement
lifetime: No leaks (failing to delete or multiple delete) and no access to invalid objects (dereferencing nullptr, using a dangling reference).
In.struct: The structure of this document
In.sec: Major sections
P: Philosophy
P.1: Express ideas directly in code
1 | class Date { |
Use const consistently (check if member functions modify their object; check if functions modify arguments passed by pointer or reference)
Any programmer should know the basics of the foundation libraries of the project being worked on, and use them appropriately。
P.2: Write in ISO Standard C++
P.3: Express intent
1 | simple for loops vs. range-for loops |
P.4: Ideally, a program should be statically type safe
1 | unions – use variant (in C++17) |
P.5: Prefer compile-time checking to run-time checking
1 | Look for pointer arguments. |
P.6: What cannot be checked at compile time should be checkable at run time
1 | // We need to pass the pointer and the number of elements as an integral object: |
Look at pointers and arrays: Do range-checking early and not repeatedly
Look at conversions: Eliminate or mark narrowing conversions
Look for unchecked values coming from input
Look for structured data (objects of classes with invariants) being converted into strings
1 |
I.4: Make interfaces precisely and strongly typed
Often, a template parameter can eliminate the void turning it into a T or T&.
For the case of a set of boolean values consider using a flags enum; a pattern that expresses a set of boolean values.
1 | enable_lamp_options(lamp_option::on | lamp_option::animate_state_transitions); |
I.5: State preconditions (if any)
Constraints and concepts
I.6: Prefer Expects() for expressing preconditions
I.7: State postconditions
Only postconditions related to the users can be stated in the interface.
Postconditions related only to internal state belongs in the definition/implementation.
I.8: Prefer Ensures() for expressing postconditions
I.9: If an interface is a template, document its parameters using concepts
1 | template<typename Iter, typename Val> |
I.10: Use exceptions to signal a failure to perform a required task
异常并不会影响性能。We don’t consider “performance” a valid reason not to use exceptions.
I.11: Never transfer ownership by a raw pointer (T*) or reference (T&)
(Simple) Warn if the return value of new or a function call with an owner return value is assigned to a raw pointer or non-owner reference.
so use smart pointers only if reference semantics are needed.
I.12: Declare a pointer that must not be null as not_null
(Complex) If a function with pointer return value ensures it is not nullptr on all return paths, then warn the return type should be declared not_null
I.13: Do not pass an array as a single pointer
I.22: Avoid complex initialization of global objects
Flag initializers of globals that call non-constexpr functions
Flag initializers of globals that access extern objects
I.23: Keep the number of function arguments low
Use a range or a view.
I.24: Avoid adjacent unrelated parameters of the same type
还是没搞清楚什么时候用 pure interface,什么时候不用虚函数做接口。
1 | virtual functions are designed to let derived classes customize behavior |
I.26: If you want a cross-compiler ABI, use a C-style subset
I.27: For stable library ABI, consider the Pimpl idiom
1 | Reason Because private data members participate in class layout and private member functions participate in overload resolution, |
I.30: Encapsulate rule violations
F: Functions
F.1: “Package” meaningful operations as carefully named functions
Note If you write a non-trivial lambda that potentially can be used in more than one place, give it a name by assigning it to a (usually non-local) variable.1
4auto lessT = [](T x, T y) { return x.rank() < y.rank() && x.value() < y.value(); };
sort(a, b, lessT);
find_if(a, b, lessT);
F.2: A function should perform a single logical operation
If there was a need, we could further templatize read() and print() on the data type, the I/O mechanism, the response to errors, etc. Example:1
10auto read = [](auto& input, auto& value) // better
input >> value;
// check for errors
auto print(auto& output, const auto& value)
output << value << "\n";
F.4: If a function may have to be evaluated at compile time, declare it constexpr
F.5: If a function is very small and time-critical, declare it inline
F.16: For “in” parameters, pass cheaply-copied types by value and others by reference to const
(Simple) ((Foundation)) Warn when a parameter being passed by value has a size greater than 4 sizeof(int). Suggest using a reference to const instead.
(Simple) ((Foundation)) Warn when a const parameter being passed by reference has a size less than 3 sizeof(int). Suggest passing by value instead.
(Simple) ((Foundation)) Warn when a const parameter being passed by reference is moved.
F.20: For “out” output values, prefer return values to output parameters
1 | // OK: return pointers to elements with the value x |
F.23: Use a not_null to indicate that “null” is not a valid value
(Simple) Warn if a raw pointer is dereferenced without being tested against nullptr (or equivalent) within a function, suggest it is declared not_null instead.
(Simple) Error if a raw pointer is sometimes dereferenced after first being tested against nullptr (or equivalent) within the function and sometimes is not.
(Simple) Warn if a not_null pointer is tested against nullptr within a function.
F.26: Use a unique_ptr to transfer ownership where a pointer is needed
transferring is an object from a class hierarchy 使用指针(智能指针?)
如果需要返回locally allocated raw pointer使用智能指针管理声明周期。
F.27: Use a shared_ptr to share ownership
F.43: Never (directly or indirectly) return a pointer or a reference to a local object
F.50: Use a lambda when a function won’t do (to capture local variables, or to write a local function)
Reason Functions can’t capture local variables or be declared at local scope;
if you need those things, prefer a lambda where possible, and a handwritten function object where not.
On the other hand, lambdas and function objects don’t overload;
if you need to overload, prefer a function (the workarounds to make lambdas overload are ornate).
If either will work, prefer writing a function; use the simplest tool necessary.
F.60: Prefer T* over T& when “no argument” is a valid option
无参是有效操作使用指针,因为对象没有引用 nullptr 的。
C: Classes and class hierarchies
C.1: Organize related data into structures (structs or classes)
A simple class without virtual functions implies no space or time overhead.
C.2: Use class if the class has an invariant; use struct if the data members can vary independently
invariant ? 如果成员独立使用 struct 否则使用 class
C.3: Represent the distinction between an interface and an implementation using a class
Ideally, and typically, an interface is far more stable than its implementation(s).
C.4: Make a function a member only if it needs direct access to the representation of a class
C.5: Place helper functions in the same namespace as the class they support
1 | namespace Chrono { // here we keep time-related services |
C.7: Don’t define a class or enum and declare a variable of its type in the same statement
C.8: Use class rather than struct if any member is non-public
C.9: Minimize exposure of members
protected data is a bad idea. a derived class might be allowed to skip a run-time check。
C.concrete: Concrete types
A value of regular type can be copied and the result of a copy is an independent object with the same value as the original.(Like int)
C.10: Prefer concrete types over class hierarchies
继承类使用指针 That implies more memory overhead, more allocations and deallocations, and more run-time overhead to perform the resulting indirections.
C.11: Make concrete types regular
C.ctor: Constructors, assignments, and destructors
C.defop: Default Operations
C.20: If you can avoid defining any default operations, do
C.21: If you define or =delete any default operation, define or =delete them all
= default; 告诉编译器生成默认函数,用于被抑制情况。=delete; 告诉编译器不要生成默认函数。
C.22: Make default operations consistent
1 | class Silly { // BAD: Inconsistent copy operations |
[Destructor rules:]
C.30: Define a destructor if a class needs an explicit action at object destruction
C.31: All resources acquired by a class must be released by the class’s destructor
A class can hold pointers and references to objects that it does not own. Obviously, such objects should not be deleted by the class’s destructor.
C.32: If a class has a raw pointer (T*) or reference (T&), consider whether it might be owning
Look at the initialization of raw member pointers and member references and see if an allocation is used.(分配了就owner负责释放)
C.33: If a class has an owning pointer member, define or =delete a destructor
Why not just require all owning pointers to be “smart pointers”? That would sometimes require non-trivial code changes and may affect ABIs.
C.35: A base class destructor should be either public and virtual, or protected and nonvirtual
C.36: A destructor may not fail
C.37: Make destructors noexcept
[Constructor rules:]
C.40: Define a constructor if a class has an invariant
C.41: A constructor should create a fully initialized object
If a valid object cannot conveniently be constructed by a constructor, use a factory function.
C.42: If a constructor cannot construct a valid object, throw an exception
C.43: Ensure that a copyable (value type) class has a default constructor
C.44: Prefer default constructors to be simple and non-throwing
C.45: Don’t define a default constructor that only initializes data members; use member initializers instead
C.46: By default, declare single-argument constructors explicit
C.47: Define and initialize member variables in the order of member declaration
C.48: Prefer in-class initializers to member initializers in constructors for constant initializers
C.49: Prefer initialization to assignment in constructors
C.50: Use a factory function if you need “virtual behavior” during initialization
C.51: Use delegating constructors to represent common actions for all constructors of a class
C.52: Use inheriting constructors to import constructors into a derived class that does not need further explicit initialization
Copy and move rules:
C.60: Make copy assignment non-virtual, take the parameter by const&, and return by non-const&
C.61: A copy operation should copy
C.62: Make copy assignment safe for self-assignment
C.63: Make move assignment non-virtual, take the parameter by &&, and return by non-const&
C.64: A move operation should move and leave its source in a valid state
C.65: Make move assignment safe for self-assignment
C.66: Make move operations noexcept
C.67: A polymorphic class should suppress copying
Other default operations rules:
C.80: Use =default if you have to be explicit about using the default semantics
C.81: Use =delete when you want to disable default behavior (without wanting an alternative)
C.82: Don’t call virtual functions in constructors and destructors
C.83: For value-like types, consider providing a noexcept swap function
C.84: A swap may not fail
C.85: Make swap noexcept
C.86: Make == symmetric with respect of operand types and noexcept
C.87: Beware of == on base classes
C.89: Make a hash noexcept
Enum: Enumerations
R: Resource management
R.1: Manage resources automatically using resource handles and RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization)
ES: Expressions and statements
ES.65: Don’t dereference an invalid pointer
Introduction to type and resource safety
Per: Performance
CP: Concurrency and parallelism
E: Error handling
Con: Constants and immutability
T: Templates and generic programming
CPL: C-style programming
SF: Source files
SL: The Standard Library
A: Architectural ideas
A.1: Separate stable code from less stable code
A.2: Express potentially reusable parts as a library
A.4: There should be no cycles among libraries
However, a library should not depend on another that depends on it.
NR: Non-Rules and myths
NR.1: Don’t: All declarations should be at the top of a function
NR.2: Don’t: Have only a single return-statement in a function
Keep functions short and simple
Feel free to use multiple return statements (and to throw exceptions).
NR.3: Don’t: Don’t use exceptions
Exceptions are for reporting errors。要正确使用异常,C++异常一直都是很少触碰的点,还是要好好研究一下。
NR.4: Don’t: Place each class declaration in its own source file
Use namespaces containing logically cohesive sets of classes and functions.
NR.5: Don’t: Don’t do substantive work in a constructor; instead use two-phase initialization
Always establish a class invariant in a constructor.
Don’t define an object before it is needed.
NR.6: Don’t: Place all cleanup actions at the end of a function and goto exit
Use exceptions and RAII
for non-RAII resources, use finally.
NR.7: Don’t: Make all data members protected
Make member data public or (preferably) private。
RF: References
RF.rules: Coding rules
RF.books: Books with coding guidelines
RF.C++: C++ Programming (C++11/C++14/C++17)
RF.web: Websites
RS.video: Videos about “modern C++”
RF.man: Manuals
ISO C++ Standard C++17. Committee Draft.
RF.core: Core Guidelines materials
Pro: Profiles
Pro.safety: Type-safety profile
type-safety is defined 没按照变量类型的规则使用变量。
安全性包括Bounds safety
和 Lifetime safety
Pro.bounds: Bounds safety profile
bounds-safety 不使用对象访问没分配给它的内存资源。
Pro.lifetime: Lifetime safety profile
GSL: Guidelines support library
GSL.view: Views
没太看懂 view 倒底是个啥概念。
GSL.assert: Assertions
[[expects: p]], Ensures
GSL.util: Utilities
joining_thread // a RAII style version of std::thread that joins.
GSL.concept: Concepts
GSL.ptr: Smart pointer concepts
NL: Naming and layout rules
NL.1: Don’t say in comments what can be clearly stated in code
NL.2: State intent in comments
NL.3: Keep comments crisp
Use intelligible English. 专业点。
NL.4: Maintain a consistent indentation style
NL.5: Avoid encoding type information in names
NL.7: Make the length of a name roughly proportional to the length of its scope
名字长度和作用域成正比, 避免冲突。
NL.8: Use a consistent naming style
ISO Standard: 只使用小写字母,数字,和下划线。
NL.9: Use ALL_CAPS for macro names only
NL.10: Prefer underscore_style names
NL.11: Make literals readable
使用数字分隔符来避免长串的数字,auto c = 299’792’458; // m/s2, 使用文字后缀, auto hello = “Hello!”s; // a std::string.
NL.15: Use spaces sparingly
NL.16: Use a conventional class member declaration order
1 | types: classes, enums, and aliases (using) |
NL.17: Use K&R-derived layout
这点我做的很好了。If 等条件循环风格。
NL.18: Use C++-style declarator layout
NL.19: Avoid names that are easily misread
NL.20: Don’t place two statements on the same line
NL.21: Declare one name (only) per declaration
NL.25: Don’t use void as an argument type
不使用 void 作为参数类型。
NL.26: Use conventional const notation
const int x = 7; // OK
FAQ: Answers to frequently asked questions
Appendix A: Libraries
Appendix B: Modernizing code
Appendix C: Discussion
Use of =, {}, and () as initializers ???
Use a factory function if you need “virtual behavior” during initialization。
基类用于多态的时候使用 public virtual 析构函数,否则使用 protected 非虚析构函数。
Appendix D: Supporting tools
A class is made abstract by having a pure virtual function or only protected constructors.