最近看了WIN核心编程后想再提升下C++语言方面的知识,访问了网站 IsoCpp,看到了几本相关书籍。
经大佬前同事推荐然后选择先看这本书,首先这本书在我两年前看C++ Primer的时候是看过的。当初是从会用的角度,再看一遍以用好为目标。
### Looking for the authoritative tutorial and reference for the C++ standard library?
A Tutorial and Reference by renowned ISO C++ member Nicolai Josuttis is the most respected book for learning and studying the standard library.
It provides comprehensive documentation of each library component, including an introduction to its purpose and design; clearly written explanations of complex concepts;
the practical programming details needed for effective use; traps and pitfalls; the exact signature and definition of the most important classes and functions;
and numerous examples of working code. You’ll find it all here – everything from concurrency and clocks, to the new hash-based containers and regular expressions,
to high-quality guidance on how to use key language features like lambdas with it all.
Preface to the Second Edition
Acknowledgments for the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Acknowledgments for the First Edition
Chapter 1 : About This Book
1.1 Why This Book
1.2 Before Reading This Book
1.3 Style and Structure of the Book
本书先介绍了一般概念和库使用的实用程序(utilities), 然后在一章或多章介绍components第一个介绍STL。最后描述self-explanatory components。
1.4 How to Read This Book
Chapter 2 Introduction to C++ and the Standard Library
2.1 History of the C++ Standards
2.1.1 Common Questions about the C++11 Standard
2.1.2 Compatibility between C++98 and C++11
For C++11, the following definition holds when compiling a C++ translation unit:
#define __cplusplus 201103L
By contrast, with both C++98 and C++03, it was:
#define __cplusplus 199711L
2.2 Complexity and Big-O Notation
Chapter 3 : New Language Features
3.1 New C++11 Language Features
3.1.1 Important Minor Syntax Cleanups
nullptr 类型是 std::nullptr_t 可以赋值为各种指针类型。
3.1.2 Automatic Type Deduction with auto
CppCon 2014: Scott Meyers “Type Deduction and Why You Care”
3.1.3 Uniform Initialization and Initializer Lists
int x1(5.3); // OK, but OUCH: x1 becomes 5
int x2 = 5.3; // OK, but OUCH: x2 becomes 5
int x3{5.0}; // ERROR: narrowing
int x4 = {5.3}; // ERROR: narrowing
char c1{7}; // OK: even though 7 is an int, this is not narrowing
char c2{99999}; // ERROR: narrowing (if 99999 doesn’t fit into a char)
std::vector<int> v1 { 1, 2, 4, 5 }; // OK
std::vector<int> v2 { 1, 2.3, 4, 5.6 }; // ERROR: narrowing doubles to ints
explicit 关键字和 initializer lists 的结合使用,可以显示初始化多个值。
Because of initializer lists, explicit now also becomes relevant for constructors taking more than one argument.
So, you can now disable automatic type conversions from multiple values, which is also used when an initialization uses the = syntax:
In the same manner, an explicit constructor taking an initializer list disables implicit conversions for initializer lists with zero, one, or more initial values.
3.1.4 Range-Based for Loops
添加引用避免拷贝。auto == vec 元素类型。No explicit type conversions are possible when elements are initialized as decl inside the for loop.
for ( auto& elem : vec ) {
elem *= 3;
3.1.5 Move Semantics and Rvalue References
Thus, you usually have to clear the contents of the passed argument (for example, by assigning nullptr to its internal member referring to its elements).
3.1.6 New String Literals
3.1.7 Keyword noexcept
If foo() throws — the program is terminated, calling std::terminate(), which by default calls std::abort()
3.1.8 Keyword constexpr
std::array<float, std::numeric_limits<short>::max()> a; // Since C++ 11
3.1.9 New Template Features
Note that it is currently under discussion whether the following example also is valid. The reason is
that formally for a single argument the variadic form is ambiguous with the nonvariadic form for a
single argument; however, compilers usually accept this code:
template <typename T>
void print (const T& arg)
std::cout << arg << std::endl;
template <typename T, typename... Types>
void print (const T& firstArg, const Types&... args)
std::cout << firstArg << std::endl; // print first argument
print(args...); // call print() for remaining arguments
Inside variadic templates, sizeof...(args) yields the number of arguments.
Class std::tuple<> makes heavy use of this feature (see Section 5.1.2, page 68).
3.1.10 Lambdas
3.1.11 Keyword decltype
3.1.12 New Function Declaration Syntax
template <typename T1, typename T2>
auto add(T1 x, T2 y) -> decltype(x+y);
3.1.13 Scoped Enumerations
enum class Salutation : char { mr, ms, co, none };
3.1.14 New Fundamental Data Types
• char16_t and char32_t
• long long and unsigned long long
• std::nullptr_t
3.2 Old “New” Language Features
// Nontype Template Parameters
bitset<32> flags32; // bitset with 32 bits
bitset<50> flags50; // bitset with 50 bits
// Default Template Parameters
template <typename T, typename container = vector<T>>
class MyClass;
// Keyword typename 这个在STL里面太常见了,理解了可以更好理解源码
template <typename T>
class MyClass {
typename T::SubType * ptr; // 这里声明是SubType个类型,要求T里面提供类型SubType
class Q {
typedef int SubType;
MyClass<Q> x; // OK
// Member Templates 模板构造函数。C++模板还是强大啊,还需要好好理解。
class MyClass {
template <typename T>
void f(T); // 这里f可以接收人任何类型的参数。
template <typename T>
class MyClass {
T value; // Support automatic type conversions for members in class templates.
void assign (const MyClass<T>& x) { // x must have same type as *this
value = x.value;
3.2.1 Explicit Initialization for Fundamental Types
template <typename T>
void f()
T x = T(); // zero initialized 我想这是个新叫法。没有的话使用
3.2.2 Definition of main()
return 0; 不是必须的,可以调用 exit(),quick_exit(),terminate()。
Chapter 4 General Concepts
4.1 Namespace std
Unlike a class, a namespace is open for extensions that might occur at any source。
Thus, you could use a namespace to define components that are distributed over several physical modules.
要小心在头文件中使用 using namespace std; 这可能会导致名字冲突或因为重载导致不同行为。
4.2 Header Files
#include <string> // 新的形式包含在 std 中
#include <cstring> // 老式头的新文件在 std 中
#include <stdlib.h> // 老版头在 std 和全局空间都有声明。
#include <iostream.h> // 废弃的老版本C++头文件格式。
4.3 Error and Exception Handling
像 string 会检查可能错误并抛出异常。STL更喜欢效率很少检查逻辑错误,只在运行时出错抛出异常。
4.3.1 Standard Exception Classes
4.3.2 Members of Exception Classes
错误条件(std::error_condition) -> 条件枚举值,错误代码(std::error_code) -> 含义。 ec is a error object.
Modernizing Legacy C++ Code
if (ec == std::errc::invalid_argument) { // check for specific error condition
if (ec == std::future_errc::no_state) { // check for specific error code
4.3.3 Passing Exceptions with Class exception_ptr
This feature is especially useful to pass exception between threads (see Section 18.2.1, page 964).
4.3.4 Throwing Standard Exceptions
非语言基本的异常错误(bad_cast, bad_typeid, bad_exception)都可以通过 what() 返回值进行构造异常对象。
throw std::out_of_range (“out_of_range (somewhere, somehow)”);
throw std::system_error (std::make_error_code(std::errc::invalid_argument), “argument … is not valid”);
4.3.5 Deriving from Standard Exception Classes
继承基类 exception 并且实现虚函数 what() 和 code() Shample: Stack in Section 12.1.3, page 635.
4.4 Callable Objects
• A function, where additional args are passed to as arguments
• A pointer to a member function, which is called for the object passed as the first additional
argument (must be reference or pointer) and gets the remaining arguments as member function parameters
• A function object (operator () for a passed object), where additional args are passed as arguments
• A lambda (see Section 3.1.10, page 28), which strictly speaking is a kind of function object
4.5 Concurrency and Multithreading
STL是共享的当同时使用构造的对象时候就要考虑同步。Overview of Parallel Programming in C++
4.6 Allocators
Chapter 5 Utilities
Type traits are used wherever complicated type conversions are necessary.
5.1 Pairs and Tuples
5.1.1 Pairs
5.1.2 Tuples
5.1.3 I/O for Tuples
5.1.4 Conversions between tuples and pairs
5.2 Smart Pointers
5.2.1 Class shared_ptr
提供 operators * and -> 就像使用原始指针一样使用智能指针对象。
5.2.2 Class weak_ptr
The lifetime of a reference to an object outlives the object it refers to. weak_ptr 对象生命周期长于它引用的对象。
5.2.3 Misusing Shared Pointers
Only one group of shared pointers owns an object. 防止多次析构。还有很多坑没搞清楚前不要乱用。
5.2.4 Shared and Weak Pointers in Detail
5.2.5 Class unique_ptr
5.2.6 Class unique_ptr in Detail
5.2.7 Class auto_ptr
5.2.8 Final Words on Smart Pointers
5.3 Numeric Limits
5.4 Type Traits and Type Utilities
5.4.1 Purpose of Type Traits
template <typename T1, typename T2>
struct common_type<T1, T2> {
typedef decltype(true ? declval<T1>() : declval<T2>()) type; // true ?
5.4.2 Type Traits in Detail
trivial type
Note again that a reference to a constant type is not constant, so you can’t remove constness there.
5.4.3 Reference Wrappers
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<MyClass>> coll;
5.4.4 Function Type Wrappers
class C {
void memfunc (int x, int y) const;
std::function<void(const C&,int,int)> mf;
mf = &C::memfunc;
5.5 Auxiliary Functions
5.5.1 Processing the Minimum and Maximum
For an initializer list, you need an internal temporary, so returning a reference would return a dangling reference.
5.5.2 Swapping Two Values
5.5.3 Supplementary Comparison Operators
5.6 Compile-Time Fractional Arithmetic with Class ratio<>
namespace std {
template <intmax_t N, intmax_t D = 1>
class ratio {
typedef ratio<num,den> type;
static constexpr intmax_t num;
static constexpr intmax_t den;
5.7 Clocks and Timers
C++ standard library provides the basic C and POSIX interfaces to deal with calendar time.
5.7.1 Overview of the Chrono Library
template <typename V, typename R>
ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const chrono::duration<V,R>& d)
s << "[" << d.count() << " of " << R::num << "/" << R::den << "]";
return s;
5.7.3 Clocks and Timepoints
系统时间调整?原点坐标调整吗,3种时钟还是有点没理解。各种定义比 Unicode 还难理解。
UNIX epoch, January 1, 1970 ? universal time (UTC) ? 00:00 in Greenwich, UK. ?summertime ?
5.7.4 Date and Time Functions by C and POSIX
time_t usually is just the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch, which is January 1, 1970.
5.7.5 Blocking with Timers
5.8 Header Files , , and
5.8.2 Definitions in
Chapter 6 The Standard Template Library
6.1 STL Components
6.2 Containers
6.2.1 Sequence Containers
6.2.2 Associative Containers
6.2.4 Associative Arrays
6.2.5 Other Containers
6.2.6 Container Adapters
6.3 Iterators
for (type elem : coll) {
is interpreted as
for (auto pos=coll.begin(), end=coll.end(); pos!=end; ++pos) {
type elem = *pos;
6.3.1 Further Examples of Using Associative and Unordered Containers
6.3.2 Iterator Categories
6.4 Algorithms
6.4.1 Ranges
6.4.2 Handling Multiple Ranges
6.5 Iterator Adapters
6.5.1 Insert Iterators
分别使用了成员函数所以要求提供了相应的成员函数才可以使用。back_inserter –> push_back(val)
6.5.2 Stream Iterators
6.5.3 Reverse Iterators
Create reverse iterators via their member functions rbegin() and rend().
6.5.4 Move Iterators
6.6 User-Defined Generic Functions
6.7 Manipulating Algorithms
These aspects are surprising and show the price of the STL concept that separates containers and algorithms with great flexibility.
6.7.1 “Removing” Elements
迭代器不知道他们的容器. 使用迭代器的算法不能访问容器的成员函数。不能真正erase元素。
6.7.2 Manipulating Associative and Unordered Containers
6.7.3 Algorithms versus Member Functions
6.8 Functions as Algorithm Arguments
6.8.1 Using Functions as Algorithm Arguments
6.8.2 Predicates
They should always yield the same result for the same value.
6.9 Using Lambdas
6.10 Function Objects
6.10.1 Definition of Function Objects
Rarely are things not possible in C++.
6.10.2 Predefined Function Objects
6.10.3 Binders
6.11 Container Elements
6.11.1 Requirements for Container Elements
自定义对象作为容器元素的时候需要满足这些条件,例如提供 operator <
6.11.2 Value Semantics or Reference Semantics
6.12 Errors and Exceptions inside the STL
6.12.1 Error Handling
6.12.2 Exception Handling
6.13 Extending the STL
6.13.1 Integrating Additional Types
6.13.2 Deriving from STL Types
Chapter 7 STL Containers
7.1 Common Container Abilities and Operations
7.1.1 Container Abilities
7.1.2 Container Operations
() 和 = 构造有啥区别?
// move all elements of the list into a vector
std::vectorstd::string c(std::make_move_iterator(l.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(l.end()));
7.1.3 Container Types
使用 typedef 和 typename 定义了一些类型
7.2 Arrays
7.2.1 Abilities of Arrays
So, iterators and references refer to the same container but different elements afterward. 这点和其它容器不同。
7.2.2 Array Operations
7.2.3 Using arrays as C-Style Arrays
Use data() where the ordinary C-style interface is required.
7.2.4 Exception Handling
7.2.5 Tuple Interface
typedef std::array<std::string,5> FiveStrings;
FiveStrings a = { "hello", "nico", "how", "are", "you" };
std::tuple_size<FiveStrings>::value // yields 5
std::tuple_element<1,FiveStrings>::type // yields std::string
std::get<1>(a) // yields std::string("nico")
7.2.6 Examples of Using Arrays
7.3 Vectors
使用 reserve() 成员函数分配大小,避免复杂类型初始化影响性能。
7.3.1 Abilities of Vectors
7.3.2 Vector Operations
使用成员函数 at() 访问元素有范围检查,会抛出 out_of_range 异常。
7.3.3 Using Vectors as C-Style Arrays
7.3.4 Exception Handling
7.3.5 Examples of Using Vectors
一般实现是默认申请 2k 空间,如果不够用翻倍。
7.3.6 Class vector
namespace std {
template <typename Allocator> class vector<bool,Allocator> {
// auxiliary proxy type for element modifications:
class reference {
reference& operator= (const bool) noexcept; // assignments
reference& operator= (const reference&) noexcept;
operator bool() const noexcept; // automatic type conversion to bool
void flip() noexcept; // bit complement
// operations for element access return reference proxy instead of bool:
reference operator[](size_type idx);
reference at(size_type idx);
reference front();
reference back();
7.4 Deques
Deque is typically implemented as a bunch of individual blocks, 第一个和最后一个增长方向相反。
7.4.1 Abilities of Deques
7.4.2 Deque Operations
7.4.3 Exception Handling
7.4.4 Examples of Using Deques
7.5 Lists
C++ standard library does not specify the kind of the implementation, but it follows from the list’s name, constraints, and specifications.
7.5.1 Abilities of Lists
7.5.2 List Operations
两个相同 list 之间直接操作内部指针,合并什么的非常快。
7.5.3 Exception Handling
7.5.4 Examples of Using Lists
7.6 Forward Lists
7.6.1 Abilities of Forward Lists
_after, 后入。
7.6.2 Forward List Operations
7.6.3 Exception Handling
7.6.4 Examples of Using Forward Lists
7.7 Sets and Multisets
7.7.1 Abilities of Sets and Multisets
7.7.2 Set and Multiset Operations
1 | c.lower_bound(val) // 返回第一个 >= val 值的位置,val 插入的第一个位置 |
7.7.3 Exception Handling
7.7.4 Examples of Using Sets and Multisets
7.7.5 Example of Specifying the Sorting Criterion at Runtime
7.8 Maps and Multimaps
7.8.1 Abilities of Maps and Multimaps
7.8.2 Map and Multimap Operations
You can define the sorting criterion in two ways, 模板参数(sorting criterion is part of the type)编译期期确定和构造函数参数运行期确定。
std::multimap<std::string,float> coll;
// do something with all elements having a certain value
std::multimap<std::string,float>::iterator pos;
for (pos = coll.begin(); pos != coll.end(); ++pos) {
if (pos->second == value) {
do_something(); // 如果是查询key请使用成员函数效率更高。
c1.swap(c2) 元素被交换的时候排序标准是否不交换。
std::map<std::string,float> coll;
coll.insert(std::map<std::string,float>::value_type("otto", 22.3));
std::map<std::string,std::complex<float>> m;
m.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, // pass tuple elements as arguments
std::make_tuple("hello"), // elements for the key
std::make_tuple(3.4,7.8)); // elements for the value
// remove all elements having a certain value // before C++11
for (pos = coll.begin(); pos != coll.end(); ) {
if (pos->second == value) {
else {
7.8.3 Using Maps as Associative Arrays
一定要清醒每次操作都做了哪些看不到的事情,包括调用值的构造函数。std::cout << coll[“ottto”]; // 同样会发生插入和赋初值对于不存在的key。
7.8.4 Exception Handling
7.8.5 Examples of Using Maps and Multimaps
7.8.6 Example with Maps, Strings, and Sorting Criterion at Runtime
7.9 Unordered Containers
7.9.1 Abilities of Unordered Containers
7.9.2 Creating and Controlling Unordered Containers
std::size_t customer_hash_func (const Customer& c)
return ...
std::unordered_set<Customer,std::size_t(*)(const Customer&)>
7.9.3 Other Operations for Unordered Containers
7.9.4 The Bucket Interface
7.9.5 Using Unordered Maps as Associative Arrays
7.9.6 Exception Handling
7.9.7 Examples of Using Unordered Containers
7.10 Other STL Containers
7.10.1 Strings as STL Containers
7.10.2 Ordinary C-Style Arrays as STL Containers
只能使用非侵入式和包装器方式。Using a global begin() and end() for ordinary C-style arrays.在C++11前使用raw pointers。
7.11 Implementing Reference Semantics
7.12 When to Use Which Container
Chapter 8 STL Container Members in Detail
8.1 Type Definitions
container::difference_type 突然忘记这个是干嘛的来着。
8.2 Create, Copy, and Destroy Operations
析构函数• Removes all elements and frees the memory. • Calls the destructor for every element.
8.3 Nonmodifying Operations
8.3.1 Size Operations
8.3.2 Comparison Operations
8.3.3 Nonmodifying Operations for Associative and Unordered Containers
8.4 Assignments
// 可能会调用元素的赋值操作符用于覆盖现有元素,调用构造函数对于新加入元素,调用析构函数对于移除的元素
container& container::operator = (const container& c)
container& container::operator = (container&& c) // 全部覆盖。
container& container::operator = (initializer-list) // 同样调用很多函数
void container::assign (initializer-list) // 也是全部覆盖
void container::swap (container& c)
void swap (container& c1, container& c2)
• Swap the contents with c or between c1 and c2, respectively.
• Both swap:
– The container’s elements
– Their sorting criterion, equivalence predicate, and hash function object, if any.
The references, pointers, and iterators referring to elements swap their containers, because they
still refer to the same swapped elements afterward.
Iterators and references refer to the same container but different elements afterward.
8.5 Direct Element Access
T container::data () // 返回 C 数组 Provided by array, vector, string.
const T container::data () const
8.6 Operations to Generate Iterators
8.7 Inserting and Removing Elements
8.7.1 Inserting Single Elements
void container::emplace_front (args) // 这个插入在前面还是替换第一个
// 如果是从前面插入,和push_front有啥不同。
8.7.2 Inserting Multiple Elements
8.7.3 Removing Elements
8.7.4 Resizing
8.8 Special Member Functions for Lists and Forward Lists
8.8.1 Special Member Functions for Lists (and Forward Lists)
8.8.2 Special Member Functions for Forward Lists Only
8.9 Container Policy Interfaces
8.9.1 Nonmodifying Policy Functions
8.9.2 Modifying Policy Functions
8.9.3 Bucket Interface for Unordered Containers
是否提供了 operator[]
8.10 Allocator Support
8.10.1 Fundamental Allocator Members
8.10.2 Constructors with Optional Allocator Parameters
Chapter 9 STL Iterators
9.1 Header Files for Iterators
9.2 Iterator Categories
9.2.2 Input Iterators
后 pos++ 需要保存临时变量,没有前 ++pos 效率高。
9.2.3 Forward Iterators
9.2.4 Bidirectional Iterators
9.2.5 Random-Access Iterators
9.2.6 The Increment and Decrement Problem of Vector Iterators
9.3 Auxiliary Iterator Functions
9.3.1 advance()
9.3.2 next() and prev()
9.3.3 distance()
9.3.4 iter_swap()
9.4 Iterator Adapters
9.4.1 Reverse Iterators
9.4.2 Insert Iterators
9.4.3 Stream Iterators
9.4.4 Move Iterators
9.5 Iterator Traits
namespace std { // 具体怎么用也没看到例子
template <typename T>
struct iterator_traits {
typedef typename T::iterator_category iterator_category;
typedef typename T::value_type value_type;
typedef typename T::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename T::pointer pointer;
typedef typename T::reference reference;
9.5.1 Writing Generic Functions for Iterators
9.6 Writing User-Defined Iterators
At creation time the iterator stores its container in its container member。
Chapter 10 STL Function Objects and Using Lambdas
10.1 The Concept of Function Objects
10.1.1 Function Objects as Sorting Criteria
10.1.2 Function Objects with Internal State
10.1.3 The Return Value of for_each()
10.1.4 Predicates versus Function Objects
A predicate should always be stateless,并且 operator() 返回值可以转换为bool。
10.2 Predefined Function Objects and Binders
10.2.1 Predefined Function Objects
10.2.2 Function Adapters and Binders
std::placeholders::_1 是编译器确定还是运行期间确定,表达式可以用变量表示吗?
map<string,int> coll; // map of int values associated to strings
// accumulate all values (member second of the elements)
int sum = accumulate (coll.begin(), coll.end(), 0,
10.2.3 User-Defined Function Objects for Function Adapters
10.2.4 Deprecated Function Adapters
10.3 Using Lambdas
Lambdas are a language feature.
10.3.1 Lambdas versus Binders
需要理解好什么时候用那种。Lambdas一般在算法中看起来更直观, Binder 再callback时候用的比较多。
10.3.2 Lambdas versus Stateful Function Objects
remove_if(coll.begin(),coll.end(), // range
[count] (int) mutable { // remove criterion
return ++count == 3;
10.3.3 Lambdas Calling Global and Member Functions
10.3.4 Lambdas as Hash Function, Sorting, or Equivalence Criterion
Note again that you have to use decltype to pass the type of the lambda to the unordered_set because it creates its own instance of them.
Chapter 11 STL Algorithms
11.1 Algorithm Header Files
11.2 Algorithm Overview
11.2.1 A Brief Introduction
11.2.2 Classification of Algorithms
Nevertheless, to be safe, you should call merge() only for sorted ranges.
11.3 Auxiliary Functions
11.4 The for_each() Algorithm
11.5 Nonmodifying Algorithms
访问元素 without modifying their values or changing their order.
11.5.1 Counting Elements
11.5.2 Minimum and Maximum
11.5.3 Searching Elements
11.5.4 Comparing Ranges
11.5.5 Predicates for Ranges
11.6 Modifying Algorithms
11.6.1 Copying Elements
11.6.2 Moving Elements
11.6.3 Transforming and Combining Elements
11.6.4 Swapping Elements
11.6.5 Assigning New Values
11.6.6 Replacing Elements
11.7 Removing Algorithms
11.7.1 Removing Certain Values
11.7.2 Removing Duplicates
11.8 Mutating Algorithms
11.8.1 Reversing the Order of Elements
11.8.2 Rotating Elements
11.8.3 Permuting Elements
11.8.4 Shuffling Elements
11.8.5 Moving Elements to the Front
11.8.6 Partition into Two Subranges
11.9 Sorting Algorithms
11.9.1 Sorting All Elements
11.9.2 Partial Sorting
11.9.3 Sorting According to the nth Element
11.9.4 Heap Algorithms
11.10 Sorted-Range Algorithms
11.10.1 Searching Elements
11.10.2 Merging Elements
11.11 Numeric Algorithms
11.11.1 Processing Results
11.11.2 Converting Relative and Absolute Values
Chapter 12 Special Containers
container adapters, which adapt standard STL containers to fit special needs,
or a bitset, which is a containers for bits or Boolean values
12.1 Stacks
12.1.1 The Core Interface
12.1.2 Example of Using Stacks
Note that pop() removes the next element but does not return it, whereas top() returns the next element without removing it
12.1.3 A User-Defined Stack Class
12.1.4 Class stack<> in Detail
12.2 Queues
12.2.1 The Core Interface
12.2.3 A User-Defined Queue Class
12.2.4 Class queue<> in Detail
12.3 Priority Queues
12.3.1 The Core Interface
12.3.2 Example of Using Priority Queues
12.3.3 Class priority_queue<> in Detail
12.4 Container Adapters in Detail
12.4.1 Type Definitions
12.4.2 Constructors
12.4.3 Supplementary Constructors for Priority Queues
12.4.4 Operations
12.5 Bitsets
12.5.1 Examples of Using Bitsets
12.5.2 Class bitset in Detail
Chapter 13 Strings
C++11提供 ’\0‘ 作为结尾 returns the characters including a trailing end-of-string character。不在提供Reference-counted。
13.1 Purpose of the String Classes
13.1.1 A First Example: Extracting a Temporary Filename
13.1.2 A Second Example: Extracting Words and Printing Them Backward
13.2 Description of the String Classes
13.2.1 String Types
13.2.2 Operation Overview
13.2.3 Constructors and Destructor
13.2.4 Strings and C-Strings
const char* 可以用来构造string对象,string对象成员 data(C++11) 和 c_str 返回 ‘\0’ 结尾的 C-Strings。
char buffer[100];
s.copy(buffer,100); // copy at most 100 characters of s into buffer
s.copy(buffer,100,2); // copy at most 100 characters of s into buffer
// starting with the third character of s
13.2.5 Size and Capacity
13.2.6 Element Access
13.2.7 Comparisons
13.2.8 Modifiers
s = ""; // assign the empty string
s.clear(); // clear contents //erase(begin(), end()). capacity 保持不变,
s.erase(); // erase all characters // reserve 函数用来改变大小
13.2.9 Substrings and String Concatenation
13.2.10 Input/Output Operators
13.2.11 Searching and Finding
13.2.12 The Value npos
尽量返回值直接比较,使用 size_type 不会出错。
const int NPOS = -1;
if (idx == NPOS) { // works almost always
13.2.13 Numeric Conversions
13.2.14 Iterator Support for Strings
13.2.15 Internationalization
通过struct ignorecase_traits : public std::char_traits
13.2.16 Performance
13.2.17 Strings and Vectors
13.3 String Class in Detail
13.3.1 Type Definitions and Static Values
• The type of reverse iterators.
• It is equivalent to reverse_iterator<iterator>.
• The type of constant reverse iterators.
• It is equivalent to reverse_iterator<const_iterator>.
13.3.2 Create, Copy, and Destroy Operations
string::string (InputIterator beg, InputIterator end) 写重复了。
13.3.3 Operations for Size and Capacity
13.3.4 Comparisons
13.3.5 Character Access
Before C++11, length() or size() was an invalid index value for nonconstant strings. length() as value is invalid for at(); operator [ ], which is faster.
13.3.6 Generating C-Strings and Character Arrays
Before C++11, the return value of data() without any trailing ’\0’ character. use c_str(); copy() 不包括结尾 \0;
13.3.7 Modifying Operations
swap() 比 copy() 更快,下面函数第一个参数有歧义对于 0 .
string& string::insert (size_type idx, size_type num, char c)
iterator string::insert (const_iterator pos, size_type num, char c)
13.3.8 Searching and Finding
反向找的函数起点参数用来定义区间的 [pos, end) 在这个区间内从后往前查找。]
13.3.9 Substrings and String Concatenation
13.3.10 Input/Output Functions
13.3.11 Numeric Conversions
If idxRet!=nullptr, it returns the index of the first character not processed for the conversion.